The Best Moving Checklist Of All Times

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Author: Steve Palmer

Updated: 07/31/2022

Ideas and suggestions:


Truth be told, there’s nothing fun about moving. It’s stressful, it’s expensive, and it’s time-consuming. But if you have a plan and follow a moving checklist, it can be a lot less painful.

To help you get started, we’ve created an eight-week before-moving checklist, a moving day checklist, and a two-week post-move checklist. This will help you plan ahead, save time on moving day, plan your car shipping and compare best car shipping companies, and hopefully make settling into your new place easier.

Are you ready to get started? Great!

8 Weeks Before Moving Out

Since you are certain you want to move, now is the time to consider your budget and start planning. Work with your family and roommates to plan a day that everyone can be away from home for at least seven hours during the busiest times of day (like a rush hour). On week 8, you should;

When moving out, there is so much to keep track of. Bills, leases, contact information for your old and new landlords, etc. To make sure you don’t lose any important documents, create a folder on your computer and name it “Moving Documents.” This will be your one-stop-shop for all things related to your move.


Many people move to a new city for work, so it’s important that you have an updated resume and cover letter before moving day. You can also use this time to apply to jobs in the area, get familiar with the job market there, and find information on areas where jobs are plentiful.


Now is a good time to start looking for your new apartment, condo, or house. Find out what type of housing is available in the area you would like to live in and keep a list of places that fit your needs. Check reviews online and ask friends/family if they know anything about the apartments/housing complexes listed.


If you’re moving to a new city, chances are you will have to budget for more than just your rent. Utilities, parking, and groceries can all add up, so it’s important to know how much money you will need each month. Start by estimating how much you will spend on basic expenses and then add in transportation costs and any additional monthly expenditures.


If you need to move out of your apartment before the lease is over, make sure you’ve given notice and start planning for how to get all of your things (and yourself) moved in time.


Finding a good school for your kids is one of the most important things you need to do before moving out. Look up schools in the area and find information on enrollment, location, and school ratings. In addition to this, check for the requirements for the enrolment of kids in a new school.


Contact your moving company ahead of time to ask for any necessary documents you will need before the move. For example, do they require an entry permit for your city or a letter stating that you are not leaving any furniture behind? Make sure to have all of these documents ready so you can give them out right away when your movers arrive!


Make sure to set up the details of your new checking and savings accounts before moving day. You may need specific documents or bank codes in order to properly transfer money over, so make sure you have everything ready!


Moving day is stressful and time-consuming, especially if you’re moving a long distance. To make life as easy as possible, ask for price quotes from movers now so that you can compare and choose the best company before it’s too late. It’s advisable to have at least three moving companies give you estimates.


If you’re hiring a moving company, it’s important that you ask them as many questions as possible to make sure they can meet your needs. The question list should include things like: How long will the move take? What is the estimated price? What type of insurance do you have? Do you offer packing services? etc.


If you’re renting, you will need to give your landlord notice that you are moving. The amount of time you have to give depends on your lease agreement, but usually, it’s at least a month before you move out.


You should give your children time to adjust before moving day. Have a discussion with them about where you are moving, why you are moving, and what they will expect when the movers come. This is also an important opportunity for kids to express any feelings or fears they may have about leaving their old home.


If you can, take a trip to the city you will be moving to before actually making the move. This way, you can get a feel for the area and find out what neighborhoods would be best for you and your family.


7 Weeks Before The Move

If you work in a company, make sure to give your employer a head’s up about your move. Tell them the date of your last day at work and any other important information they may need. While doing this, make sure that you are doubling your efforts of finding a new employer in the city you are moving to.


After reviewing quotes and getting recommendations from friends and family, you should be able to decide on a reliable moving company. Remember to ask as many questions as possible and compare the costs of each mover before choosing one that is right for you.


Speak with your moving company about the schedule, inventory, and insurance information. Make sure you’re familiar with the details of the move before it actually happens to limit stress on the big day. Make sure that the set date of your move is also written down on your calendar so you are prepared.


What to do if using a moving company is not your preference:

If you do not want to hire a moving company, there are other options. They include;

There are many moving companies that offer truck rentals. If you’re not comfortable letting a mover handle your personal belongings, it is advised to go with this option instead. Make sure they supply the truck and the driver; they should also make arrangements for insurance coverage!


Moving is a huge task, so you’re going to need all the help you can get. Ask family and friends if they are available to help you move furniture, pack boxes, or simply lend a hand on moving day.


If you choose to move by yourself, a storage unit is a good place to store your belongings until the big day. Make sure it’s clean and dry!


6 Weeks Before The Move

Before the move, you should make sure to gather all of the necessary supplies. This includes boxes, tape, labels, bubble wrap, and much more. For storage in a rental truck or storage unit, bigger is better when it comes to boxes! Make sure they are sturdy and can hold heavy objects well. If you don’t have enough, you can rent as needed.


How do you plan on traveling on the big day? Plane, train, or car? If you’re driving, make sure to map out your route and calculate how long it will take. If you’re flying, book your tickets as soon as possible to get the best deal. This way, your family can fly out to the new city on the same day as your move.


It is important to let your children’s current school know about the move as soon as possible. This will help them with their transition and ensure that they receive all of their records and documents from the previous school.


Inform your homeowner’s insurance company about the move and give them your new address. You will also need to do this with your car insurance company. Enquire if they operate in your new city and if there are any changes you will need to make to your policy.


Just as you did with your homeowners and car insurance companies, you will need to contact your health insurance company and inform them of the move. If you are moving out of state, there may be changes that you will need to make to your policy. Make sure that you and your family are covered before, during, and after the move!


5 Weeks Before The Move

Create a master list of the things you need to do to the new home before you move in. This will help you stay organized and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.


Use the move as an opportunity to declutter your home! Host a garage sale and sell any items you don’t need or want anymore. This will help make packing easier and raise some extra cash for the move. Holding a successful garage sale takes organization and planning, so start early!


Send out change of address forms to everyone who needs to know your new address – like your bank, the post office, and other important organizations. This will help ensure that you receive all of your mail at your new home without any delays.


In order to have utilities (like water, electricity, and gas) turned on at your new home, you will need to contact the companies and schedule a transfer of service. This process can take some time, so it is best to start early.


If your new home needs renovations or updates, this is a great time to schedule them. You don’t want to have household repairs popping up the week you move into your new home. If you choose to do any renovations yourself, make sure that you have all of the necessary materials and tools before moving day arrives.

If you are hiring reliable contractors, get estimates and schedules from them as soon as possible. This will help you avoid any overlap or scheduling conflicts.


Your appliances will not be making the move with you, so it is important to start clearing out any refrigerated or frozen items. This way, you won’t have to worry about them spoiling during the move. Come up with a meals timetable that uses up all the food in your fridge and freezer.


After the garage sale, there are those items that you are unable to sell. Instead of sitting in your garage indefinitely, donate them! Place donation items near the front door so that you can easily load them up when it is time for the move. Make sure that they are marked clearly with a donated sticker or sign.


Move important files and documents to an external hard drive. This way, if something happens to your computer or if you lose any of your files in the move, you will still have them backed up.


Do you have an active membership with a gym, library, community club, or any other organization? If so, it is time to cancel them. You don’t want to be paying for memberships that you will no longer be using. Most of these memberships have cancellation policies, so make sure that you follow them to the letter. Some will require you to address a letter at least a month in advance.


If you have any large items that need moving, this is the time to call a mover and schedule an appointment. Make sure that they are aware of any specific instructions or requests before they arrive on move-in day.


4 Weeks Before The Move

At 4 weeks, the move now looks a lot more manageable. You have a plan of action and you know what needs to be done and when. This is now the time to do the following:

Pack away any items that you don’t use on a regular basis. This can include things like holiday decorations, seasonal clothes, or anything else that takes up extra space. Label the boxes clearly so that you know where they belong in your new home.

Start packing your everyday items. This includes things like dishes, pots and pans, clothes, and toiletries. Make sure that you pack an essentials box with all of the things that you will need right after the move. This can include things like a change of clothes, toilet paper, and snacks.

Moving day can be stressful enough without having to worry about anything else, so be prepared! Plan for any moving day emergencies. If you have children, make sure that they are aware of the strict instructions not to open boxes and to stay out of the way. With pets, take them to a friend or family member’s house for the day.

When moving, it is important to have an emergency kit on hand. This kit should include items like a flashlight, spare batteries, bottled water, snacks, and first aid materials. Make sure that you know where this kit is at all times just in case you need it. Remember, it is wise to make sure there are medications for any family member with a known medical condition.

At this point, you will be traveling to your new home on moving day. Make sure that you pack all of the items that you might need when traveling, such as extra clothes and toiletries. Be prepared for any weather changes by packing an umbrella or poncho too.

Have your car serviced if you are driving it. This way, you can be sure that everything is in working order for the long journey ahead. Check to see how much gas it needs too so that you aren’t stopping to refuel on the way there!

If you are moving out of state or across the country, then this is the time to organize a reliable car shipping service. Make sure that you have your registration documents on hand so that it will be easy for them to pick up your vehicle. A good car shipping service will take care of all of the paperwork for you.

Looking for a new home is not always an easy process, and it can be even harder when you are in the middle of moving. If you know that you won’t be able to move into your new home right away, then start looking for temporary housing. This can include staying with friends or family members, finding a short-term rental, or even camping out in your new home!

Make sure to confirm the moving date with your chosen company. This will ensure that there are no surprises on move-in day and that everyone is on the same page.

Purchasing moving insurance is always a good idea, especially when you are transporting valuable items. This will give you peace of mind in case something happens to them during the move.

One of the most important things to do when moving is to find a doctor, veterinarian, and dentist in your new town. This way, you will be able to get routine check-ups and treatments without having to wait. You may ask your current doctor for referrals or do some online research to find the best providers in your new town.

Gather medical records if you are moving with any family members who have existing medical conditions. This will make it easier for your new doctor to get up to speed with their case studies.


3 Weeks Before The Move

One of the most important things to remember when making arrangements for your move is that you should book a truck that is big enough to fit all of your belongings. You should also take into account the fact that items may get damaged during transit, so try not to squeeze too many large items into one truck.


It’s a good idea to come up with a playlist of songs that will get you in the mood for moving day. Songs like “King of the Road” by Roger Miller and “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson are great choices! You could also consider adding some inspirational tracks too – depending on your mood.


Pack a bag for the first few nights in your new home. This will make it easy for you to have everything you need when you first arrive, without having to search through boxes. Include items like pajamas, toiletries, and a cellphone charger. You may also want to pack a small bag of your favorite snacks so that you have something quick and easy for the road.


You should definitely include photos, keepsakes, and other sentimental items as well as practical ones in your moving kit! This will make the move feel much more like home.


Moving while taking care of kids can be hard, but it’s even harder when you can’t find any child care. Make sure to book any necessary appointments or make arrangements with friends and family members before the big day comes.


A goodbye party is a great way to say farewell to your friends and family members before you move. This will give them one last chance to see you and to say goodbye in person. You could even have a moving-themed party, with games like “pin the moving truck on the map” or a moving-themed candy buffet!


If you’re moving to a new town, it’s likely that some of your favorite places will be in your old hometown. Make time before the big day for one last visit to them! You can also set up a “mail forwarding system” so that you don’t miss out on any important mail from these places, either.


If you have any plants that need to be transported, you’ll need to plan on how to move them safely. You could either take them with you in the car or ask a friend or family member to take care of them while you’re gone. However, for a better idea, you should check any regulations on moving plants into your new town.


If you’re moving to a new state, it’s important to update your voter registration and driver’s license as soon as possible. This will ensure that you are able to participate in the democratic process and that you have all of the necessary documentation when you go to get your new license.


It’s important to cancel any memberships or subscriptions that you won’t need anymore when you move. This could include gym memberships, magazine subscriptions, or even your cable package. This way, you won’t have to worry about any unexpected charges after the move is done.


If you’re moving to a new town, it’s likely that you’ll need to find new service providers for things like electricity, internet, and cable. Start researching these providers well in advance of the move so that you can make sure to have everything set up and ready to go when you get there. You can also ask your friends and family if they know any good companies in the area to help you out.


If you have an estate plan, it’s important to make sure that it’s up-to-date before you move. This will ensure that your wishes are carried out in the event of your death. You can also ask your lawyer to provide you with a list of the documents you may need to move.


After hiring a contractor for a renovation or repair project on your new home, it’s important to stay in touch with them and to check the progress of the work. This will ensure that there are no surprises when you move in and that everything is done to your specifications.


Before you sell your old home, it’s important to make sure that all of the necessary documents are in order. This includes things like the deed, the title, and even the mortgage paperwork. You can also ask your lawyer to provide you with a list of the documents you may need to move.


2 Weeks Before The Move

You might be already anxious about the prospect of moving, but there are still things to do in the weeks leading up to it! Here are a few things you should take care of in the two weeks before your move.

If you’re moving to another town, it’s likely that your doctor will transfer your prescriptions to a new local pharmacy. This is because some pharmacies are able to provide better customer service than others and also have access to better deals on medications. You should ask your doctor for recommendations about where to go in your new town.


If you’ve already purchased a new home, it’s important to take a look at the blueprints for the building. This is because some homes require special equipment in order to operate things like air conditioning or even electrical wiring. You can also ask an electrician if they will be able to provide service in your new home and if so, whether they charge a special fee to get started.

This will also give you an idea of how to organize your furniture and belongings when you move in.


If you’re not moving too far away, it’s likely that you’ll be able to set up your utilities and internet in your new home without too much trouble. This includes services like water, gas, electricity, and cable. However, if you’re moving to a new town or even a different state, you may need to do some research to find the best providers for your needs.


In the weeks leading up to your move, it’s a good idea to start boxing up your non-essential items. This includes things like clothes that you don’t wear often, furniture that you don’t use often, and even knick-knacks. By doing this, you’ll make the actual move a lot easier since you won’t have to worry about packing everything up on the day of the move.


If you’re moving to a new town or even a different neighborhood, it’s likely that your new home will need to be thoroughly cleaned before you move in. While you may want to do this yourself, there are several benefits of having a professional cleaning service come and do the job for you. You can also ask your friends and family for recommendations about which cleaning service to use.


Before you move your furniture, it’s important to prepare it for the move. This includes things like covering up any scratches or spots that are on the wood with special paper or plastic. You should also remove any drawers from dressers if they are likely to get damaged when moving them.


If you need to rent storage units in your new town, now is the time to do it! This is because by knowing where they are ahead of time, you can save yourself a lot of trouble on the day that you move. You should ask friends or family members who live near your new home for recommendations about which storage unit to use.


In the weeks leading up to your move, it’s important to dispose of any corrosives, flammables, and combustibles. This includes things like paint thinner and cleaning solvents, as well as rags that have been soaked in these chemicals. You should also make sure that you separate them from other items – for example, storing paint thinner in a metal container rather than a plastic one.


For the day of your move, it’s important to label all boxes and bags that you own with their contents. This will ensure that everything is packed properly so that you can unpack it easily later on. You can use a marker to write on the boxes or bags, or you can use special labels that are designed for this purpose.


Before you move out, it’s important to make any necessary repairs to your old home. This can include things like changing the locks and doors so that they work properly, patching up cracks in walls or ceilings, and even getting rid of the garbage or other items that have been left behind over time. Remember, to have your security deposit back, your old home should be in the same condition that it was in before you moved in.


If you’re moving to a new town and you have a pet, it’s important to take them for a check-up ahead of time. This is because if your pet isn’t used to the new environment, they may become scared or even run away. You should also make sure that your pet is up-to-date on all of their vaccinations and treatments.


If you’re renting your home, remember to do a final inspection with your landlord or property manager before you move out. This will ensure that there aren’t any damages to the house that need to be repaired – and that you won’t be charged for them later on.


When you move out of your old home, it’s important to clean it properly before you leave. This includes things like scrubbing the floors, cleaning the bathrooms and kitchens, and even taking out the garbage. Remember, if your old home is left in a messy state, you may be charged for damage when you move out!


If you are not moving far from your current job, you should ask for days off before moving. This way you can ensure that your last day of work coincides with the day you are planning to move all of your belongings over to your new home.


If you are moving to a new town, it’s important to order new electric appliances and furniture. This is because you may not be able to find the same brands or models in your new town that you had in your old one. Plus, it’s always nice to have new things in your home when you move!


Two weeks before you move, it’s important to confirm your travel arrangements. This includes things like the date of your flight, as well as how you will be getting from the airport or train station to your new home.


1 Week Before The Move

In the week leading up to your move, it’s important to pack several boxes of essentials. This includes things like toiletries, clothes, and bedding. This will make it easier for you when you’re moving – since you’ll already have everything you need right at hand.


One week to the moving date, it is advisable to have your refrigerator and freezer empty. This is because the appliances need to be defrosted and cleaned before they can be moved. The refrigerator and freezer may be damaged if they are not emptied properly.


If any scheduled deliveries like newspapers, milk, and bread or things that are pending like: items to repair, clean your home, etc. then you should cancel them before the moving date. This will ensure that everything related to these deliveries is done on time before you move out of your old home.


It’s a good idea to take photographs of all the rooms in your old home before you move out – this will be helpful when it comes time to pack everything up! Plus, if you must do a final inspection with your landlord or property manager after moving out, having good quality pictures might make their job a little bit easier.


When packing your boxes, make sure to label them clearly so that you know where everything goes when you arrive at your new home. And, more importantly, make sure that all the boxes are packed securely so that nothing gets damaged during transport.


When you move out, you should always keep a copy of your inventory list – this will save you time when unpacking and allow moves without huge issues! Plus, if anything does go missing after moving, it might help the authorities narrow down where the items went.


Checking the weather for the day you’re moving is important – you don’t want to be caught off guard by bad weather! If it looks like it might rain or be really windy on moving day, make sure to take appropriate precautions like packing heavier items on the bottom of your boxes.


No one ever hopes for things to go wrong on moving day, but it’s always important to be prepared in case they do. That’s why it’s a good idea to come up with a contingency plan in case the movers fail to show up or something else goes wrong. This could mean having a friend or family member on standby to help you out with the move, or having a set of extra boxes and packing supplies on hand.


On the day of your move, it’s always a good idea to have some petty cash on you – just in case something unexpected comes up. This could be anything from paying for parking at the moving truck rental place to buying lunch for everyone helping you move. You could also set some cash to tip everyone involved.


The Moving Day!

The day is finally here – your big move! Here are some tips to help you along the way so that your moving day goes as smoothly as possible:

On moving day, it’s always a good idea to have friends or family members on standby – just in case anything does go wrong! This could include having the number of a local moving company so that someone can call in case furniture needs to be disassembled or something gets stuck in traffic.


Before you leave your old home, take another inventory just to double-check that nothing will go missing during transport. This is especially important if you have a lot of fragile items – it’s best to be safe than sorry!


Before leaving your old home, make sure to call the new owner or property manager to confirm that they are aware of your arrival and that the home is ready for you. For example, make sure that all utilities (i.e. electricity, gas) are activated and that there aren’t any issues like a broken oven or blocked doorways.


It can be really tiring to move all your belongings, especially if it’s a long-distance move. That’s why it’s important to have plenty of water bottles and snacks on hand – so that you don’t get too exhausted! Not to mention, this will keep you refreshed during the move and prevent any unnecessary stress.


Moving is a really physical activity, so it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Take breaks as needed – you don’t want to get too tired and end up hurting yourself! And, if possible, try to move your heavier items on the days when you have more energy.


A big move is never possible without the help of others. Be sure to thank your real estate agent for all their help in finding you a new home, your movers for getting all your belongings from point A to point B safely, and anyone else who pitched in to help you on moving day!


It might be tempting to unpack all your belongings right when you get to the new house, but it’s best to wait until at least a week after the move so that everything has time to settle in. Give yourself some time to relax and get used to the new space, and then you can start unpacking your boxes.


During a move, it’s easy for little accidents to happen – like a table getting scratched or the glass in a picture frame-breaking. Don’t put off dealing with these damages – do it right away, before they have a chance to escalate!


1 Week After The Move

When you first unpack, it might be helpful to organize your new home by room. This way, you can more easily find everything you need and it won’t feel as cluttered. You could start with the essentials (like your bed and dresser) and then work your way out to the smaller items (like pictures and coffee mugs).


After organizing by room, it might be tempting to unpack everything you own – but don’t do it! Focus on unpacking only what you need most right now (like your toiletries and pajamas), and save the rest for later. This way, your new home won’t feel too cluttered or overwhelming.


After you move into a new place, there are probably going to be some items that you don’t want anymore – like old stuffed animals or knick-knacks that don’t go with your new decor. Make sure to get rid of these things right away so they don’t take up space in your home!


There might be certain appliances or furniture you need to have installed when you move into your new home. For example, you might need a TV mounted on the wall or a bed set up in your bedroom.

It’s best to set up a time with the manufacturer of these appliances and furniture for when they will be installed in your house – this way, you can make sure that installation takes place after you’ve finished unpacking.


When you first move into a new place, it’s important to find the local grocery store and other necessary shops. This way, you can easily get what you need without having to travel too far. If there’s a grocery store in your neighborhood, try to go there as soon as possible so you can get a sense of what’s available.


One of the best things about moving to a new place is getting to know your neighbors. Go ahead and introduce yourself – they’ll be more than happy to welcome you to the neighborhood! And, if you ever need anything (like a cup of sugar or help pushing your car), they’ll be more than happy to lend a helping hand.


After you’ve gotten everything unpacked and organized, it might be time for a deep clean! Do a thorough scrub of the floors, walls, ceilings, and any appliances. This will help get rid of any dirt, grime, or dust that you can’t see from normal cleaning.


After the deep clean is finished and everything has been organized, it might be time to add some style to your new home. Put up pictures or artwork, add some plants and flowers to brighten things up, and get rid of any unwanted furniture (or donate it if you can).


2 Weeks After The Move

If you’re starting a new job after your move, make sure to report to your new work location (or ask someone to cover for you if necessary) by the end of the second week. This way, you’ll be ready and prepared in case there are any unexpected changes or demands at work.


If you don’t have any friends in your new city yet, it’s time to connect with some! There are probably a lot of great ways to meet new people – like through work, school, or social clubs. Don’t be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself!


If you want to meet up with friends after your second week of settling in, find a great spot for dinner or drinks. There are probably some local restaurants that have delicious food or trendy bars that serve the best cocktails – you just need to do a little research to find them.


If you have kids, make sure to check in with their school to see how they’re settling in. It might be a good idea to schedule a meeting with their teacher to get an update on their progress. If there are any problems, the sooner you address them, the better.


If you’ve changed your address, you’ll need to update all of your important documents – like your Driver’s License or passport. This can be a time-consuming process, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. Make sure to start this process as soon as possible so you don’t have to worry about it later on.


After all of the hard work of moving, it’s time to relax and take it easy. Spend some time getting to know your new neighborhood, reading a good book, or taking a long walk. You deserve it!


Final Thoughts

Moving is a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. This moving checklist will help you stay on track and make the process as smooth as possible. Just remember to take things one step at a time and to relax once everything is settled in.

Congratulations on your new home – enjoy it!
